“The Art of Stealing” is an action comedy that tells the story of two poor devils who intend to strike the biggest blow of their lives: stealing a Van Gogh in the least appropriate place, a lost farmhouse in the middle of the desert.
Chico and Fuentes are two newly formed anti-heroes. Two small-time thieves. Lovers of risk, action and tequila. And both have ended up with their bones in a remote village in Almeria. Fleeing from the law.
And now they find themselves in front of their noses with the opportunity they have always dreamed of: stealing a canvas that can change their lives. The name of this canvas is “Las Peras de Saint Rémy”. And the author is a certain Vincent Willen. Better known as Van Gogh.
Leonel vieira
Screenplay, Roberto santiago
Nadie es Perfecto P.C.
Stopline films
Kiko martinez, Leonel Vieira, Luís Galvão